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Catch up on the latest news on reusables and the circular economy

May 29, 2023 This article is an interview with UNEP’s executive director on the global plastic abuse problem and how a binding, “ambitious” global treaty would help fix it. Quote-unquote from the article: “We can’t recycle our way out of this mess. But recycling is one of the many keys that we will need to make this […]
May 29, 2023
A warm thank you to French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore (FCCS) for inviting Loopedin to be on the speaker panel for this morning’s event titled “To what degree are we ready to build the reusable economy?”. Although there are challenges to be solved, it is very clear that all stakeholders need to collaborate together to make […]
May 2, 2023
Discover in this short video Loopedin reusable food containers as-a-service! Contact us to start your journey towards your zero waste solution:    
May 2, 2023
What an honor for Loopedin to spend some time, last Friday, with 40 children and teenagers from North London Collegiate School, Singapore to think together about how circular models can help reducing waste. At Loopedin, it is part of our mission to educate new generations about why it is so important to reduce our waste […]
April 29, 2023
What a great opportunity to participate in the Asia Startup Summit, Connecting Corporates and Startups, organised by the French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore (FCCS) on 20 April 2023! We look forward to continuing the discussions we started with corporates and other startups!